About Us

With a rich history of Scouting that dates back to 1916, the Golden Gate Area Council (GGAC) serves the Northern California Bay Area communities of Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Napa, San Francisco and Solano Counties and supports more than 800 local packs, troops, teams and crews. The Golden Gate Area Council was formed June 1, 2020 and expanded its territory reach in October 2024 to include the Pacific Rivers District.  The Council Headquarters is located in Pleasanton, California near the 580 / 680 junction with a satellite office in Alameda.

GGAC maintains five nationally accredited camps: Camp Herms (located in the hills of El Cerrito, CA), Camp Royaneh (located near Cazadero in the Russian River area), Camp Wolfeboro (located near Bear Valley in the Sierra Nevada Mountains), Rancho Los Mochos (located in the hills south of Livermore, CA) and Wente Scout Reservation (located east of Willits, CA).  To contact Yerba Buena Lodge for general questions and information, send an email to “[email protected]“.

Lodge Chief[email protected][email protected]
Lodge Secretary[email protected][email protected]
Lodge Treasurer[email protected][email protected]
Vice Chief Activations[email protected][email protected]
Vice Chief Inductions[email protected][email protected]
Vice Chief Unit Relations[email protected][email protected]
Associate Adviser-Adminn/a[email protected]
Associate Adviser-Programn/a[email protected]
Past Lodge Chief & Past Adviser[email protected][email protected]
Staff Advisern/a[email protected]
Iowac (Diablo Sunrise)[email protected][email protected]
Kaweah (Alameda)[email protected][email protected]
Kchinkwehelak (Briones)[email protected][email protected]
Lu-pain (Herms)[email protected][email protected]
Moluk (Meridian)[email protected][email protected]
Mow-A-Toc (Pacific Rivers)[email protected][email protected]
Ohlone (Mission Peak)[email protected][email protected]
Royaneh (Golden Gate)[email protected][email protected]
Sem-Yeto (Chief Solano)[email protected][email protected]
Seunen (Twin Valley)[email protected][email protected]
Swegedaigea (Silverado)[email protected][email protected]
Tu Je Sa-Sa (Lake)[email protected][email protected]
Wekemnayon (Peralta / Tres Ranchos)[email protected][email protected]
Wek-Wek (Muir)[email protected][email protected]
Banquet Questions[email protected]
Ceremonies[email protected]
Communications[email protected]
Fages II Trail Questions[email protected]
General Information[email protected]
Klondike Derby[email protected]
Membership Questions[email protected]
National Order of the Arrow Conference[email protected]
Newsletter Questions[email protected]
Order of the Arrow Questions[email protected]
Reactivation/Transfer Questions[email protected]
Section Conclave Questions[email protected]
Trade-O-Ree Questions[email protected]
Trading Post Sales Questions[email protected]
Vigil Questions[email protected]
Village Advisers[email protected]
Village Chiefs[email protected]
Website Questions[email protected]
Winter Camp Awareness Questions[email protected]
Yerba-Fest / BBQ Questions[email protected]