Lodge Beads

updated 12/15/2023.  Lodge Beads PDF File

1. The lodge awards and bead recognition system was created in October 2021 to provide a visual way for members to show their participation in Lodge and Village “in-person” activities. In addition, there are patches for select awards and beads for Lodge recognitions and awards and other beads for Section, Area and/or National recognitions and awards. 

2. Members will be provided the materials to start over with a new necklace for the Yerba Buena Lodge including a string/leather strip and the “beads” to recognize their participation, honor, recognition, etc. IN YERBA BUENA LODGE. Members who have a necklace from a legacy lodge are strongly encouraged to retire their legacy lodge necklace and beads and only wear their new Yerba Buena lodge bead necklace. .   

3. New members will receive a leather cord and Ordeal beads upon completion of their Ordeal to start their necklace. Transferring members from another lodge will also receive a leather cord and beads recognizing their honor.

4. Upon request, legacy lodge members and transferring members may obtain beads for National Recognitions, and  beads for National Events participation.  

5. Members may also (in addition to the approved beads) add village and/or one or two individual items to the necklace for additional personalization.  

Below are the various beads and the honors, awards, events or activities they represent.Members may also (in addition to the approved beads) add village and/or one or two individual items to the necklace for additional personalization.